Saturday, 30 January 2010

First Online Session Booked

Next week. An afternoon.

To see it played on a broadcast monitor with proper scopes and audio. To check how bad any artefacts might be, especially in the darker shots, and test what compression will do in different formats.

Then I'll know what's required to render and compress and get the five video layers and 24 audio tracks out of my laptop and onto and HD master.

Whoever thought the world would go tapeless?

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Bda bda bda bda That's All Folks

That's all I can do.

I have to find a person place or thing who can now play it out.

We have a film.

That is all.


The bottles

Let's see who's actually taking note, now:


orange 2shot***
garbage matte+++
still frame****
car lockoff++++

*the music bottle included a family of reverb
+the 2shot made me go back and regrade the scene
**included a collection of foley that made its home here
***after all this time Jon's permatan is faded. Pembroke, not Dredge, Not that Dredge has a permatan. Or Pembroke, for that matter - ok, I give up.
++must remember to put the green in the end of the brown shot
+++can't really see what it does anymore but it's still in there. Think it was the edge of a lamp
****somehow this got really complicated - like having Yeltsin and Putin in the same set of dolls. Because of the key. ++++The hardest shot in the lot to grade? Very probably. Or almost.

§!! with the crush goes that last bottle. Tweaking the 'look' for the drugs scene. All crushed up. Done.

There you go. That's the tenth green bottle knocked off the wall.
Now I just have to figure out how to get it out of here!

Out by end of Jan...

Was promised (to myself, mostly) so out by the end of Jan it shall be.
Or, ready to be out by end of Jan. Quite how I get it out of this little magic box and onto a bright shiny thing remains to be seen.

So, I thought I'd just finished and watched it through - here's the list I made in my head.

other 2shot

The easiest of these to fix is Lucy. I turned her audio off by accident.
So I believe it's nine last green bottles standing on the wall!

(Of course these green bottles have a disturbing habit of being more like Russian dolls. Get inside one to fix it and find a whole family having a Party).

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

That blithering list

I swore I wasn't going to do it but in the end I did. The CGI has been (ish) rotoscoped.

That was today's bit of the list-that-wouldn't-die.
And the other bit was re-thumping the boot. I SO don't want that to go on the list again.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

The List

If anyone doubts the supernatural, take a look at the List. How can things be steadily ticked off yet it keeps relentlessly growing? Like a zombie army arising, a vampire flurry, er... vamping.

But at last the List is tamed, broken, diminishing, a shadow of its former self (so I guess no vampires involved after all). Soon - soon, the List will be no more.... mwahahahahaaa!


Right, that's another thing ticked off the list!

Monday, 11 January 2010

Da da da daaaaa

We have the first layback of music. There's a bit more work to do on the audio before it goes into grading.

If anyone cares.

Happy New Year. Anyone want to make a short? ;)