Wednesday, 24 February 2010

I made it, I broke it, I made it, I ... ?

... think it should mostly work now - the (first) temporary website was slapped together faster than an essex outfit. Well, actually, that's probably not fast at all. But then, I'm not very fast with web yet really. So yes, probably as fast as that.

Whereas the next temporary website was slapped together - well, actually about the same speed. All of which goes to show, the tortoise and the hare can never be friends (or something).

If it doesn't work please let me know. I doubt I'll be able to fix it but it seems all grownup and geeky to ask people to test it.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Right, Who Wants One?

Come along and collect it at the screening. Joe's sending out details.

And if you REALLY can't make it, I'll have one borne to you on a palanquin with trumpets and dancing girls.

Or Royal Mail.

Which is almost as good.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


Dropped off a box with 200 blank DVDs, a 150GB file and a drive with my life on it into Soho. I'll pick up the remains next week.

Then I had wine.