A big thanks to all crew now helping; a huge relief to have you on board. Still a couple of positions to fill but talking to people about some of these now, so we're on track.
We are a couple of experienced people who have formed a new partnership over a tight little script we want to make in the coming quiet weeks.
It is a 12min short for festivals/showreels/online and intended to lead to future projects. Director has 12 years in broadcast TV in roles across drama & documentary as well as independent shorts and features. The writer/exec has written and developed feature length scripts for production cos, and has many years experience in publicity.
We are self funding so expenses only, however anyone wishing deferred payment/ profit share is welcome to this. We are looking for collaborators who either need experience at the next level or to actually get some showreel material from a completed project, since we know from experience just how tough that can be. And of course, we hope to form a great team for future work, though we are experienced enough to take this one step at a time and do not spout promises we cannot keep.