Monday, 16 March 2009

Goodbye to Jenny

Went away for a few days for K's birthday - you know, the one who woke up at stupid o'clock to drive half the crew to a carpark so we could finish the film. Thought it best since I'd barely spoken to him for weeks, because of the film.

Today was lost in file format issues for last week's client for whom I shot an interview and whose company appears staffed with barelyoutofnappiesmediagraduates who wouldn't know a codec if one bit them on the arse.

This afternoon said goodbye to Jenny - our exotic art department. Who'd have thought twenty years ago over our drawing boards in Perth two of us would end up on a bisty short film in London? So glad we did.

Am just trying to sort out a day for our last scene with Alan. It may even be as soon as this weekend.

In other news... Amy and Matt may or may not have ended up in Abu Dhabi on a now-you
-see-it-now-you-don't documentary. Ed will have finished his drama and returned to normal. Jonny D got another high profile portrait commissioned, James C is in a darkly interesting sounding play till April, Jamie V is blitzing it with stuff all month, Joe's finding shaping his new post interesting, Lucy astonishingly ran really really far for charity, and is in a stage production doing loads of things, Harry got another production under his belt and learned we were a really nice bunch after all, Graham's waiting to hear on a sound project, Greg Smith's been snapped up left right and centre, Will and Sam are just about now getting end of term submissions in I guess, Greg A is moving house, Josie's sewing her little fingers off, Carli - well, I don't know - Carli's always just super busy doing stuff... - promise I'll keep you all in the loop as I hear. If you want.

And finally - I see I have another 'follower' to this blog. Brilliant! It feels rather less pointless I must admit. Not a great believer in vanity-blog-publishing. Might as well construct a short film instead...

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